Monroe Crossings resides in the Monroe Local Schools District. The school district's boundaries are almost entirely within Butler County.
Monroe Primary
Monroe Elementary
Monroe Junior High
Monroe Senior High
The district has a campus on Yankee Road for the district's elementary, junior high school, and high school students in grades 2-12.
The pre-school, kindergarten, and first graders are housed in the Monroe Primary School on Macready Avenue.
In 2000, when the Monroe Schools came into existence, the enrollment was 1,500 students. The district enrollment now is about 2,750 students and growing.
Yes, our community has established design restrictions. Any additions, or changes must be submitted to the HOA for approval. The current guidelines and plan approval can be obtained from our property managment webportal for residents.
Yes, fishing is allowed in designated areas only by residents of Monroe Crossings.
All fishing is catch and release and guests must be always accompanied by a resident.
Customer service representatives are available by phone Monday – Friday.
No. Details on methods to contact the HOA board can be found on our Contact Us page.